
På denne side kan du blandt andet finde artikler og podcasts om Seizen Hari Meridian terapi.


Qiological: Connections and Principles of Japanese Acupuncture, The Nan Jing and the Saam Method.

Qiological: Triple Burner, Pericardium, Mingmen - The Flow of Fire

Qiological: The Gentle Power of the Teishin.

Online undervisning:

Qiological: Pulse and Abdominal Maps of the Saam Organ Pairs
Præcis mave- og pulsdiagnosticering i klassisk akupunktur. 

Qiological: Organs and Meridians - An Integration of Meridian Therapy and Saam
Simpel og systematisk forståelse af sygdomsprogression i klassisk akupunktur. 

Qiological: Anatomy of Meridian and Point Energetics
Meridianer og punkter og deres anatomi og fysiologi.

Qiological: Practical Application of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians
En ny, simpel of praktisk tilgang til de otte ekstrameridianer.

Qiological: Flows and Connections of the Ming Men, Xin Bao and San Jiao
Ming Men, mellemrum og membraner - nørderi i ikke-form og form



Punktlokalisering og teknik

Simpelt indstik
Punktlokalisering og teknik



Seizen Hari - Systematic Meridian Therapy (
North American Journal of Oriental Medicine
Volume 26, Number 78, March 2020.

A Teishin Approach to Meridian Therapy (
North American Journal of Oriental Medicine
Volume 30, number 89, November 2023

Meridians are Real, Qi is Rea(
North American Journal of Oriental Medicine
Volume 30, number 90, March 2024 - 30th anniversary issue.

Tsubo Are Expressions of Kyo (
North American Journal of Oriental Medicine
Volume 31, number 91, july 2024